Teen Manabi-Masho Ju-Jitsu Class

Teen Manabi-Masho Ju-Jitsu Class

This class will be held Monday through Thursdays 6:00pm to 7:00pm on a seperate mat. This program was originally paired with the adult program and is now going to be paired with the Kobushi-Do program. This program is for teens ages 13 through 15 or possibly 16. This is the next step after Kobushi-Do age 13. This is a great program for new teens as well. The Teen Manabi-Masho Ju-Jitsu class will focus on more material suited for a teen. This class will teach teens how to defend themselves, how to have better self esteem and have more self confidence. This also a great way for teens to make new friends. This class will feature everything taught in the adult class except leathal types of techinques or anything that could cause serious permanent injury.
Please call to enroll into this class.