Kid Ninja Summer Camp for June 17th through the 20th 2024 has been cancelled We did not meet the required number of participants. We will try again next near.

We have pictures of 2023's Summer Camp at the bottom of the page.

Now accepting students for our Kid Ninja Summer Camp June 17th through the 20th 2024. This will be a week of learning and fun. We will have outdoor classes, self defense and martial arts training and much more.

There will be downtime with breaks and lunchtime, we supply lunch and a drink. You supply snacks and other drinks. Please disclose any food alleries at the time of sign up. We have added an option for half a day of summer camp with reduced weekly rates.

We will have a brown belt assistant instructor helping during the camp. She is an experienced Johnston County teacher that is trained for teaching Kindergarten through ages 17. We also have a level one instructor, 1st degree black belt assisting as well.

We will have a copy of our 2024 Summer Camp activity calendar coming soon.

These are some activities we have planned so far:

Training with the Grandmaster and Head of System

Origami chop stick rice crispy sushi,

Nerf wars day,

Arrow and shuriken target practice

Indoor obstacle course,

Outdoor obstacle course,

Splash painting,

Water day, pool party or water balloon battles,

Japanese writing,

Marshmallow eating contest with chopsticks,

Training with a Shidoshi (Master) in Ninjutsu, The real Ninja Arts

Shuriken and Bo Shuriken target board,

Bow and arrow target board,

Bujikan Kamae Ninja postures (Martial Arts Stances and Kata),

Bujinkan Ninja weapons training, with padded weapons and with wooden weapons.

Padded swords.

Daily yoga and exercise,

Cartoon or movie day with free popcorn one day each week.

Education: Daily math centers rotate groups of activities based on age range,

Daily reading centers and

Daily stem.

There will be many more activities added so there won't be a boring moment. We have designed our Summer Camps to be the best of the best. This is now an annual event.

There may be training at other locations close by when training outdoors. Those locations are only 2 to 3 miles from the dojo. Come and join us for fun and martial arts.

Outdoor Ninja Training
Outdoor Ninja Training

We will be exploring the sword, shuriken and many other types of weapons and how they were used. There will be a history lesson and how it was used taught  for weapon students use. This be informative, very fun and interesting.

Ninja Sword Training
Ninja Sword Training

Students will learn how to use the sword just like they did back in the day. This will be a safe training enviroment with padded weapons and wooden weapons out doors.

Obstacle Courses, Indoor, and outdoor weather permitting
Obstacle Courses, Indoor, and outdoor weather permitting

We will be setting up outdoor obstacle courses if the weather permits.

Self Defense Training
Self Defense Training

Students will learn basic self defense and some reality martial arts.

Ninja Weapons Combat Training, Padded Weapons
Ninja Weapons Combat Training, Padded Weapons

We will have sparring with padded weapons which is a lot of fun for children.

Hanbo 3ft. Staff Training
Hanbo 3ft. Staff Training

Students will learn a real Ninja weapon called the Hanbo. This is also a lot of fun.

More obstacle courses
More obstacle courses

We plan to have many other fun activities throughout the camp. We will be advertising those soon.

Our Summer Camp is based on the real martial art of Ninjutsu which is the real historical martial art of the Ninja.
Our Summer Camp is based on the real martial art of Ninjutsu which is the real historical martial art of the Ninja.

The martial arts in our summer camp are based on the Samurai and the Ninja. There is also modern self defense that will be taught.

Pictures from our 2023 Kobushi and Kid Ninja Summer Camp

The first week went great. We had an overall rating of 9.5 on activities, food and martial arts training. We had water games, movies, classic TV shows (Knight Rider), A visit from the real KITT and rides in the real KITT. Overall the event was a success.