Home Schooled Children's Daytime Classes

Home Schooled Children's Classes

Our classes are 1:00pm to 2:00pm every Tuesday. Our tuition rates range between $49.95 to $69.95 per month for the one hour class per week. This rate includes one evening class per month. We plan to add an additional class on Thursdays 1:00pm to 2:00pm in November. The monthly rate for both classes would range between $99.95 to $129.95 per month, with the two free evening classes. We are located at 27 Annette Dr. Suite 101, Benson, NC. 27504. (McGee's Crossroads, NC). We have a one class free trial now, and then will a have a two class free trial starting in November.

We currently have a $3.00 per month, per family member discount for each additional family member. This discount will increase to $6.00 off when the additional class is added in November. Please email [email protected] or call 919-753-7964 to enroll. You can also come into the dojo during our daytime and evening class times.

Nun-Chuc training
Nun-Chuc training